4910 Commerce Pkwy Warrensville, Heights OH 44128, USA
Dear Customer,
Regarding REACH, we can give you the following information:
Under REACH substances (chemicals), but not their preparations or polymers have to be registered. Our products are classified as polymers.
DMH, as a downstream user, uses substances within the formulations, which have to be registered by the manufacturers or importers - these are the suppliers of DMH or its suppliers.
DMH contacted all its suppliers regarding the preregistration and registration of substances, to make sure the availability of raw materials and products in the future, to ensure timely replacement or to be able to obtain new raw materials.
Obviously, we use all possibilities to hold the substances available for our applications and to influence the decisions of our suppliers positively. Significant effects on future availability, and changes in terms of specific product features of our products will promptly be forwarded to our clients.
This letter is also a statement regarding your questions about the REACH Regulation, in particular SVHC in Annex 14 of the REACH Regulation.
Article 33 of the REACH Regulation commits to disclose information to you as our customer, if our products contain SVHC substances in a mass concentration of more than 0,1 %. We will inform you immediately unasked if in any of our products the threshold percentage for a SVHC material is exceeded.
This is also considered in the required response to consumer inquiries within 45 days after every update in the SVHC list.
Materials over the limit according the SVHC list:
DMH silicones, dated 27.06.2018 (under the limit after curing).
According to current information, we assume that no other products do contain substances, for which this information is relevant under Article 33 - REACH-regulation.
We are giving this message to the best of our knowledge. It does not exempt you from testing our product for their suitability for the intended processes and purposes. Application, use and processing of the products are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely on your own responsibility. However, should a case of liability come into consideration, it is limited to all damages to the value of the goods which we delivered, and you used. This message is no subject to the updating service.